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Discover Vedic Culture

BriskHeal Vedic CultureThe culture and tradition of a country depends on its historical background. Ancient Vedic culture still continues in some aspects in India because the Indians are the successor of the Vedic inhabitants. We are aware of the culture by two great scriptures; Vedas and Upanishads which had a thoughtful effect on the development of cultures, traditions and religious conviction of India. Vedic culture has continued from 1500 BC to 500 BC in the north and northwestern parts of India. This time period is divided into two parts - The Vedic period from 1500 BC to 1000 BC and the Later Vedic period from 1000 BC to 600 BC.

Vedas were said as Chaturvedas and it has four parts. Among them, Rig-Veda was the first composition of the Chaturvedas. It consists of verse composed of religious hymns and probably it inherited many elements from pre-Vedic society. The other three Vedas are Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda. The Yajurveda provides information about sacrifices. The Samaveda is believed to be the base of Indian Cultural Songs and Music. The Atharvaveda consists of philosophy and lists solution to day-to-day problems, anxieties and difficulties. It also includes information on Medicines and Herbals. Other literature was Upanishad which consists of discussions on several problems such as creation of the universe, the nature of God, the origin of mankind. Cattle were held in high esteem and frequently appear in Rigvedic hymns; Agriculture grew more prominent with time as the community gradually began to settle down in post-Rigvedic times.

Vedic Religion

BriskHeal Vedic Culture

Vedic people follow the Hindu religion and a custom of Varna (class or caste) system. Varna or Class system divided the position of people. There were four class in Vedic culture; Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

People worshiped many God and Goddess including the god of the following nature rain, animal, earth, etc. The main deities of the Vedic pantheon were Indra Dev (king of God), Agni (the God of fire), and Soma and some deities of social order such as Mitra Varuna (god of rain), Aryaman and Amsa, further nature deities such as Surya (the God of Sun), Vayu (the God of wind), Prithivi (the God of earth). The later Vedic period was marked by appearance of agriculture as the dominant economic activity.

The mode of worship was the performance of sacrifices (Yajna) which included the chanting of Rigvedic verses, singing of Samans and 'mumbling' of sacrificial mantras involved sacrifice and sublimation of the havana sámagri (herbal preparations) in the fire accompanied by the chanting of the Vedic mantras. The sublime meaning of the word yajna is derived from the Sanskrit verb yaj, which has a three-fold meaning of worship of deities (devapujana), unity (saògatikaraña) and charity (dána). An essential element was the sacrificial fire—the divine Agni- into which oblations were poured, as everything offered into the fire was believed to reach God. People prayed for abundance of rain, cattle, sons, long life and gaining 'heaven'.

Vedic people believed in the transmigration of the soul, and the peepul tree and cow were sanctified by the time of the Atharvaveda. Many of the concepts of Indian philosophy espoused later like Dharma, Karma etc. trace their root to the Vedas.

Ethics in the Vedas are based on the concepts of truth (Satya) and Rta. Satya is the principle of integration rooted in the Absolute. Whereas, Ṛta is the expression of Satya, which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it. Conformity with Ṛta would enable progress whereas its violation would lead to punishment.

Vedic chanting is said to help develop one's mental powers and strength, ease stress, and take one to a higher level of consciousness. Chanting also improves one's memory and power of concentration, so crucial if one wants to be an achiever.

The Essential Mantras You Need For Each Of The 7 Chakras

  • Root Chakra – I Am. ...
  • Sacral Chakra – I Feel. ...
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – I Do. ...
  • Heart Chakra – I Love. ...
  • Throat Chakra – I Speak. ...
  • Third Eye Chakra – I see. ...
  • Crown Chakra – I understand…

The Chakras

There are fourteen great nerve centers in the physical body, in the astral body and in the body of the soul. These centers are called chakras in Sanskrit, which means "wheel." These spinning vortices of energy are actually regions of mind power, each one governing certain aspects of our inner being, and together they are the subtle components of people. When inwardly perceived, they are vividly colorful and can be heard. In fact, they are quite noisy. When awareness flows through any one or more of these regions, the various functions of consciousness operate, such as memory, reason and willpower. The physical body has a connection to each of the seven higher chakras through plexuses of nerves along the spinal cord and in the cranium. As the kundalini force of awareness travels along the spine, it enters each of these chakras, energizing them and awakening in turn each function. By examining the functions of these great force centers, we can clearly cognize our own position on the spiritual path and better understand our fellow man.

The Seven Chakras of Higher Consciousness

The Muladhara: The memory center, muladhara, located at the base of the spine, creates a consciousness of time through the powers of memory. Whenever we go back in our memory patterns, we are using the forces of the muladhara. It has four petals or aspects, one of which governs memories of past lives. The other three contain the compiled memory patterns and interrelated karmas of this life. This chakra is associated also with human qualities of individuality, egoism, physicality (including sexuality), materialism and dominance. A person lives predominantly in this chakra during the first seven years of life, acquiring language skills, relationships and cultural ways.

Svadishthana: Once the ability to remember has been established, the natural consequence is reason, and from reason evolves the intellect. Reason is the manipulation of memorized information. We categorize it, edit it, rearrange it and store the results. People in this six-petaled chakra research, explore and wonder, "Why? Why? Why?" They propose theories and formulate rational explanations. They often form a rigid intellectual mind based upon opinionated knowledge and accumulated memory, reinforced by habit patterns of the instinctive mind. It is in this chakra that the majority of people live, think, worry and travel on the astral plane. We open naturally into this chakra between ages 8 and 14. This center controls the muladhara, as does each progressively higher chakra control those that lie below it.

Manipura: The third chakra is represented in the central nervous system by the solar plexus, where all nerves merge to form the "second brain." Of its ten petals, five face up and five down. Correspondingly, depending on how the energy is flowing, the forces of willpower from this chakra add power either to worldly consciousness through the first two centers or to spiritual consciousness through the fourth and fifth centers. When awareness is confined to the realms of memory, reason and aggressive willpower, men and women are instinctive in nature. They are quick to react and retaliate, quick to have their feelings hurt and quick to pursue the conquest of others while fearing their own defeat. In these states of mind, the ego rises to its greatest prominence, and emotional experiences are extremely intense. Young adults from 14 to 21 discover willpower, willfulness and individuality as this chakra unfolds.

Anahata: The center of perception and insight is often referred to as "the lotus of the heart." Its 12 "petals" imply that cognition can be expressed in twelve distinct ways or through as many masks or personae. People abiding here are generally well-balanced, content and self-contained. Even when in day-to-day life they become involved in the seemingly fractured parts, they are able to look through it all and understand. They have a deep understanding of human nature, which brings effortless tolerance and an innate ability to help others, to resolve conflicts and confusions. Between ages 21 and 28, perceptions deepen and understanding matures for those who enter this chakra. Many people regress back into reason and memory. But, if awareness is mature, having incarnated many times, and well-trained all through youth, the soul proceeds smoothly into anahata consciousness.

Vishuddha: Universal or divine love is the faculty expressed by the vishuddha chakra. Whenever people feel filled with inexpressible love for and kinship with all mankind, all creatures large and small, they are vibrating within the sixteen-petaled vishuddha. When deeply immersed in this state, there is no consciousness of being a person with emotions, no consciousness of thoughts. One is just being the light or being fully aware of oneself as radiant force flowing through all form. One may sometimes see light throughout the entirety of the body. The exceptional soul who resides fully in this center, usually between the ages of 28 and 35, is able for the first time to withdraw awareness totally into the spine, into sushumna, the central spiritual current. Ultimately, he realizes that the inner being is the reality of himself.

Ajna: The sixth force center is called ajna. It is the "third eye," the center of divine sight and direct congition. Of its two "petals" or facets, one is the ability to look into the lower worlds or states of mind and the other is the perception of the higher worlds, or spiritual states, of consciousness. It, therefore, is the connecting link, allowing the awakened soul to relate the highest consciousness to the lowest in a unified vision. We open naturally into this chakra between ages 35 and 42.

Sahasrara: The seventh center at the top of the head is called the crown chakra. According to the ancient mystics, it governs 1,008 aspects or attributes of the soul body. These personae are transparent, a crystal-clear white light, ever present, shining through the circumference of the golden soul body. Here the soul dissolves even blissful visions of light and is immersed in pure space, pure awareness, pure being. Within the sahasrara is the brahmarandhra, or "door of God," an aperture in the sushumna nadi through which the kundalini exits the body, catapulting the mind beyond and into nirvikalpa samadhi, and the truly pure spirit escapes the body at death. We open naturally into the crown chakra between ages 42 and 49.

Often when people get older, if they have not learned to sustain consciousness in the higher chakras, they start to drop in consciousness, returning to reason and trying to understand why all the things that happened to them in their lifetime happened as they did. They get stuck in the muladhara and spend years just remembering the past, reliving old experiences, good and bad alike. But more mature souls rightly fullfill life's two final stages: senior advisor and religious solitaire. They utilize their golden years to manifest higher-chakra faculties of love, light, inner vision and God Realization through service, sadhana, pilgrimage, worship and meditation.

Ayurveda has two Sanskrit words ” Ayu” which means life or live life and “Veda” meaning knowledge of Science Life. This system of medicine was formed in the ancient land of India. We accept Vedas as Ayurveda a gift from the gods to humanity that was communicated to the saints and sages of India through deep meditation. Even though this portal is dealing mainly Ayurvedic natural products, we tried to give glimpse how both are one and how discipline rituals in life brings a disease free human existence. We also tried to give a link to our visitors, to listen Strotams and benefit of same.

Chanting or listening to Shiva Slokas and Mantras and Strotrams, have the power to dispel fear and boost a person’s inner potential and strength. Shiva Slokas, Mantras and Stotrams help to cleanse the body, mind and soul of all the stress, rejection, failure, depression and other negative forces that one faces in his daily life.

Disclaimer : Sourced from – veda.wikidot.com. We do not claim authority on the source. Our purpose is to spread the message which we inherited from our ancestors and golden rules lead a peaceful disease free life.